Breadfast Cooks in Ramadan: Foul with Labna for Sohour
مطبخ بريدفاست

Breadfast Cooks in Ramadan: Foul with Labna for Sohour

We might be mid Ramadan, but we’re still constantly creating and recreating delicious recipes for Iftar and sohour. This week’s special is guaranteed to become a crowd-pleasing family favorite for sohour that will leave you craving more. Rich, creamy, and flavorful, try out our Foul with Labna recipe and grab all the ingredients you need now from Breadfast!

3 garlic cloves
½ lemon
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper


  • Mince the garlic cloves then add some lemon juice and mix well.
  • Add to the mixture the amount of labna you’ll use according to your preference.
  • Spread the labna mixture on the presentation plate.
  • Heat the foul beans by adding a little water to it on medium heat and stir well till you get the consistency you like.
  • After it’s heated, add the beans on top of the labna in the presentation plate.
  • Add olive oil on top and season with some salt and pepper.

Garnish your plate with parsley, for a fresh look, and serve with some fresh Baladi bread. Enjoy your sohour.

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