Protect Your Family From Viruses With These Tips
Nutrition & Wellness

Protect Your Family From Viruses With These Tips

Between the new Covid-19 strain and the spike of recent cases worldwide, protecting ourselves and loved ones isn’t a luxury anymore. With life slowly coming back to normal amidst the pandemic, remaining vigilant in following safety procedures has become fundamental. We compiled a list of tips to protect you and your family from the spread of viruses, keep them away from your home, and maintain health and wellness in all aspects of your life.

1- Wash your hands
Handwashing is a fundamental habit we need to maintain – not just in pandemics – but as a lifestyle. Washing your hands is one of the ways you can prevent the spread of germs, bacteria, and viruses and avoid frequent doctor visits. Wash your hands before eating, cooking, after using the bathroom, sneezing, blowing your nose, touching your face, touching dirty surfaces or petting animals. According to the World Health Organization’s advisory, handwashing with soap and water needs to be done for at least 20 seconds, while making sure soap and water get in between our fingers, on the back of our hands, and underneath nails.

2- Clean and disinfect frequently
According to research, viruses can survive up to 9 days on surfaces. Using disinfectants with at least 70% alcohol concentration will kill viruses and germs and decrease risks of contracting the virus. Sterilize tables, floors, surfaces, countertops, sinks, doors, telephones, and light switches in your house to prevent viruses from growing on surfaces. It is also important to open doors and windows while disinfecting your house to improve ventilation and prevent virus particles from accumulating inside.

3- Power immunity with healthy foods
Prevention is better than cure! A balanced diet that incorporates natural antiviral foods is extremely vital to staying healthy and well. Citrus fruits and vegetables like lemon and orange in addition to egg yolks and mushrooms are excellent vitamin D sources that play a major role in strengthening the immunity system. Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and can be used in many of our daily dishes and drinks. Salmon, tuna, and other oily fish are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids that are known to combat chronic autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

4- Get physically active
A 10-minute walk will play a starring role in preventing you from chronic diseases including heart diseases, strokes, and diabetes. Physically active people enjoy a robust immune system that can attack foreign invaders. It doesn’t matter if it’s yoga, running, meditation, dancing, biking, or jogging; as long as your body is always on the move, you are safe.

5- Sleep well
Sleep is a natural immune booster. A 7-hour sleep every night powers your immune system to fight off viruses and reduce harmful pathogens that might attack the body when it’s not sufficiently well-rested. When suffering from poor sleep, opt for natural sleep aids like chamomile or anise tea, almonds, a cup of warm milk, kiwi, walnuts, oatmeal, bananas, and dairy products; as they contain nutrients known to improve sleep quality. Practicing hygiene, healthy nutrition habits, and exercising in moderation helps you enjoy a healthy lifestyle, fight off all kinds of diseases and prevent viruses from ever entering your household.

Breadfast has you covered with all the disinfectants and sanitary products you need to stay protected with your family from viruses during the cold season. Our safety collections include breathable face masks, sanitizers, household disinfectants, antibacterial wipes and soaps. Order now through the Breadfast app.

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